Speakers Announced for IPAF Summit

IPAF has released its final list of speakers for its annual summit, which will be held this year in Rome on March 29th. 

With the theme “Analysing Accidents to Reduce Accidents” in mind the speakers include:

Andy Studdert, chief executive of USA based rental company NES Rentals, with a talk close to our heart – ‘What can aerials learn from aviation?’ drawing on his experience in the airline sector.

Mohd Ismadi, deputy director at the Singapore Ministry of Manpower, who will outline the Singapore experience in raising safety standards for powered access equipment.

Marzia Giusto, chief executive of Italian rental company Nacanco, who will speak about using new media to promote safety.

Tim Whiteman, of IPAF who will present preliminary findings from IPAF’s annual powered access rental market reports.

Gary Riley of IPAF’s American Work Platform Training (AWPT), on the challenge of imparting knowledge and not just information.

Chris Wraith, IPAF technical officer, who will sum up key lessons from IPAF’s new accident reporting database.

Peter Douglas, executive director of operations at Nationwide Platforms, who will speak on “Keeping our people safe!”

The Summit will kick off at 13:30, at the Sheraton Roma Hotel and will be conducted in English, with simultaneous translation into German, Italian and Spanish, it is free and open to members and non-members who register in advance. 

Link to register: http://www.iapa-summit.info/ 

Source: http://www.vertikal.net/en/news/story/14287/

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