What do construction project managers do when a project requires a crane for only a couple of days? Buying a crane and hiring a crane operator isn’t necessary when Sims Crane & Equipment offers crane rentals with or without a crane operator and has several locations throughout Florida.
Mandatory ongoing safety training and performance monitoring is required of every equipment operator at Sims Crane & Equipment, and our operators are personally accountable for their own safety and the safety of others on job sites where they are operating Link-Belt cranes, Grove cranes or any other crane equipment.
Sims Crane & Equipment is also renowned in the industry for our safety education. We have over 80 crane operation instructional videos and other educational videos on our Sims Crane YouTube Channel, with titles such as "Lifting in Bad Weather Conditions," "What is the Correct Way to Secure a Crane Load" and "Setting Up a Crane Properly." Many contractors who own Tadano, Kobelco and Link-Belt cranes take advantage of our videos for in-house crane operator training.
Contact a Sims Crane & Equipment rental specialist for more information on our products and services or to request a crane operator and equipment quote for an upcoming project in Jacksonville, Orlando, Panama City, Hollywood and other cities throughout Florida.