The decal signifies that the machine should be operated only by personnel who have received employer certification of training and evaluation according to relevant OSHA standards. It can be found online at the AEM Store.
Equipment manufacturers working through AEM's Crane Technical Committee reviewed the decal and provided guidance. The decal is an example of the importance and commitment that AEM manufacturers place on properly trained operators in control of their products. It is also the latest project resulting from an AEM/OSHA alliance promoting jobsite safety. The alliance was formed in October 2007 and brings together the technical expertise of manufacturers with the communication and administrative expertise of OSHA.
Other AEM-OSHA alliance materials include "best practices" bulletins and safety-message key fobs. AEM also produces machinery operator safety manuals and offers an online database of "industry-recognized" pictorial illustrations for use in safety and training materials.
"AEM and its member manufacturers are committed to fostering safe equipment operation and we have worked closely with OSHA for many years towards this end. This alliance is an example of our industry's pro-active education and training efforts," stated AEM President Dennis Slater.