Our equipment experts are able to help customers and answer questions on everything from the difference between a truck mounted crane versus a truck crane to which of our JLG, Lull or Skytrak forklift rental equipment is best for indoor use.
We are proud to offer our customers these top brands of commercial telehandler forklifts. Skytrak is the world’s best-selling brand, and their forklifts are known for being reliable and operator friendly. In comparison, the Lull horizontal load placement system offers a large travel area for accurate and precise load placement. Additionally, JLG forklifts feature the following benefits:
Our culture of safety and responsibility provides our customers the peace of mind to know that, because safety is job one at Sims Crane & Equipment, your equipment has been inspected and maintained to ensure it is safe and in top working condition before your rental. Our lift planning services and safety education program, including safety videos and articles, are designed to keep your staff safe during your forklift operation.
Contact a Sims Crane & Equipment specialist today to request a forklift rental quote for your operation in Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Naples, Ft. Lauderdale, Tallahassee or throughout the state of Florida and see for yourself how we are different from other equipment rental companies.